
We are grateful to announce that the "annual riapa meeting on low dimensional systems" will be held at University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran,on 25- 26 May 2015.  Because of proclamation of 2015 as international year of light, the meeting will focus on the optical properties and applications of low dimensional systems.

Quantum effects in low dimensional systems exhibit some of the most diverse and intriguing physical phenomena seen in all of photonics and condensed matter physics. The meeting is following of previous two advanced schools of RIAPA in the fields of graphene and optoelectronic devices , and new 2D systems. The aim of meeting is making an atmosphere for discussion on new findings in the field of low dimensional systems with the emphasize on their photonics applications. Brilliant researchers as invited speakers will introduce the new findings in this field. It is a good opportunity for researchers, specifically young researchers and postgraduate students to present their best results and dialog by joining this community.


A few papers will be accepted to be presented as just poster. You can prepare your one page extended abstracts by using RIAPA-LDS2015 abstract template. All abstracts are reviewed by scientific committee and best papers will be accepted.  

After reviewing process, the scientific committee will choose  best papers  presented at RIAPA-LDS2015 to be published in special issue of “NanoScale”, The Journal of Iranian society of Nanotechnology.


School Scope for 2015
Scientific Committee
Confirmed lecturers


List of Participants

Important Dates
Contact information

 Talk Titles 

Extended Abstract Format

Email Adress to send abstract : riapa@tabrizu.ac.ir

Organizing Committee

Prof. A. Asgari   Dr. S. Shojaei (Chair)

Tabriz City



Last Update At : 01 January 2017